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Unmasking The Shadow Man

Series: Heroes
Debbie Herbert and Beth Cornelison

ISBN: 9780263274431


Unmasking the Shadow Man by Debbie Herbert

In a race against time…Can they defeat an unseen foe?

Liam Andrews knows trouble when he sees it, and Harper Catlett is trouble! Working undercover, and with the mysterious goings-on in the home where Harper's sister died decades before, Liam's soon roped into Harper’s detective work. But can the pair solve these long-buried crimes…before they both wind up dead?

Colton 911: Deadly Texas Reunion by Beth Cornelison

He’s trying to solve a murder, but the greatest danger he faces is losing his heart.

Private Investigator Summer Davies joins forces with FBI Agent on leave, Nolan Colton to catch a killer. They haven’t seen each other in years but the chemistry is still dangerously high. Can they solve the puzzle before they lose their hearts… or their lives?